LifeWorks – Money and Your Future
Article courtesy of LifeWorks
Need help planning your financial future? It sounds daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Whether you’re trying to save for college, spend less, reduce your debt, or set aside a nest egg for the future, LifeWorks has helpful financial resources suitable for all stages and phases of life.
Go online today to your completely redesigned to access helpful materials and resources, including:
- Our popular Your Money blog
- A five-part “Managing Your Money” podcast series featuring Canadian financial planner Darryl Robinson;
- Our practical “Getting Out of Debt” guidebook;
- A comprehensive Financial Toolkit which combines articles, planning tools and resources to help you assess your personal financial situation, learn more about budgeting and debt, and set achievable, realistic financial goals
- Our new podcast, On the Brink: One man’s story about getting out of debt, featuring a personal interview with a young professional who faced debilitating debt and turned his
financial life around.
Finally, read or download easy-to-understand Life Articles such as:
- Setting Up a Personal Budget
- When Your Family Income Changes
- Organizing Your Financial Records and Emergency Forms
- Investment Basics
- Saving for Your Child’s Education
If you’re looking to make changes to your financial situation, LifeWorks is here to help!
Call LifeWorks at 1-877-207-8833 anytime. TTY: 1-877-371-9978
Or visit
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